Sunday 18 September 2011

C Is For Cars And Other Things

It is all about letter C for the next few days.
Here are my ideas (borrowed from different sites and from my own head)
for some of our lessons.
How The Bible Will Be Involved
We talk about God the Creator of the world
We will use our Cubbies Book during devotion time. (That is just a coincidence with the C thing)
We also will sing Count Your Blessings (It is a favorite anyway)

How Math Will Be Involved
Car Counting- I have colored, laminated and cut out some cars for our counting pleasure

How Art And Music Will Be Involved
Colored Ice Cube Painting
C is for car coloring page
Cello coloring page
C-song sing time
Learning about the instrument the Cello

The above is a video we will watch that shows the Cello 
in action fairly well

Our Reading List
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom 
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Phonics and Language
We will make a big letter C and inside it write words that begin with the same letter
We will watch the C phonics video on youtube
How Science Will Be Involved
Our animal of the week is the caterpillar
We will make a caterpillar habitat and attempt to find one to place inside

1 comment:

Julie said...

You are so amazing! You don't even have to be doing home school yet! :) Lesley and Lills are doing C for caterpillar this week, too!